Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics


The time is now! Or never. Whatever. Get $WEN token now and lose yourself in the Wenderland.

The time is now! Or never. Whatever. Get $WEN token now and lose yourself in the Wenderland.
The time is now! Or never. Whatever. Get $WEN token now and lose yourself in the Wenderland.The time is now! Or never. Whatever. Get $WEN token now and lose yourself in the Wenderland.
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics

Fair tokenomics

60% of the total token supply will be allocated to liquidity pool (tokens burned), 36% allocated to LP Farms, 4% for airdrops and no team allocations.

Anti-rug insurance

The LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens are burned, ensuring their inaccessibility for any future modifications or actions.

Safe, fast and fun

WEN token is a fork of the Pepe token, running on the super fast and efficient ShimmerEVM network.

* Wenpaper coming soon

Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomics

Dive Down the Rabbit Hole

Dive Down the Rabbit HoleDive Down the Rabbit Hole
Dive Down the Rabbit HoleDive Down the Rabbit Hole
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics


This crypto meme token project is created purely for entertainment purposes and does not constitute financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves significant risk, and you should only participate with funds you can afford to lose. Please conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The value of meme tokens can be highly volatile and may result in the loss of your entire investment. We do not endorse or guarantee any specific outcomes, and this project should not be considered a reliable investment opportunity. Always exercise caution and use your best judgment when engaging in crypto meme token projects.

Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
Fair tokenomicsFair tokenomics
